BSE Listings: Berlin Stock Exchange Listings is part of the International Financial Exchange and Banking Group - UK FSA Registered Broker Dealer

Energy in India: The number one resource for Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings with FSE Listings for Energy Financing

Energy companies looking for energy financing are entering onto the Frankfurt Stock Exchange at a record pace. Due to the indexes on the exchange for Green Energy companies, many of the energy company listings are within the green energy sector. Publicly listed Energy companies generally cover a wide scope of technologies from hydro energy and oil and gas, to solar panels, wind energy, and bio gas. The energy sector is a diverse market full of energy industry leaders, innovators and energy financing firms. The Frankfurt Stock Exchange is the best choice for listing your energy company, contact us to find out more about Frankfurt Listings with FSE Listings Inc for Energy Companies. Contact FSE Listings at or call +442032867779 If you want to list your firm, please include: Company Name Contact Name Contact Number Contact Email Amount of Capital invested to date Amount of Capital required Reasons for wanting to list Description of Business Website if available FSE Listings

FSE Listings: Fast Track Frankfurt Listings and Frankfurt Financing of Bombay India Companies

Fast Track Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings with FSE Listings Inc: Based on a 5 Week Deutsche Boerse Listing Cycle Timeline Diagram for Listing in Weeks *It is important to note that this process has been completed in 10-17 days under perfect circumstances where all of the documents were prepared and fees paid in advance (not escrow). Often escrows cause delay on milestones where payments are released. The FSE Listings Inc Fast Track Frankfurt Listing (60,000 euro) Prelisting Stage: –          Consultation with company listings specialist to prepare the documentation for listing and qualify your firm –          Lay-out the timeframe for listing, structure, share issuances, and financing requirements to build the optimum structure –          Convert current business plans and executive summaries into a Frankfurt Short Form IM or Expose as required for listing –          Third Party Valuation if required by a BNP Paribas if required or a third party valuator recommended by FSE Listings at the cost of the company –          Discuss capital invested and raised to date, valuation, structure, and shareholder related goals –          Discuss the goal posts for listing, capital raising, and deliverables as a firm and business –          Due to FSE Listings relationships with Deutsche Boerse Partner Companies and Sponsors, preliminary approval of the capital structure to be discussed based on information supplied by the company and or restructured based on feedback (A unique benefit of working with FSE Listings Inc) –          Complete the financials, Director Certifications, Auditor Letter, and required supporting documents. (A Registered UK Auditor will be utilized who is registered with the FSA, Plus Markets, and AIM to verify the €500,000) –          Structure the firm with the end goal, and ensure the capital equity is sufficient to meet the financing goals, market value, and shareholder/principal expectations –          Company Incorporation, Set-up of Structure –          ISIN –          Consider pre-listing financing commitments Listing Stage –          File the issuer data form with all of the supporting documents created in phase 1 –          5-10 day period waiting for approval –          Ensure CREST registry completed and or electronic trading readily available by the registrar –          Build the registry for the transfer agent to insert into their records –          Issue initial shares to be deposited into market ready accounts –          Share Certificates issued and delivered to those not with market ready accounts (with restrictions were required). All certificates can also be sent to the company for delivery. –          Manage the process for successful listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and timely engagement and execution of all key pieces to list within the 2-5 week timeframe The completion of Phase 2 covers the Fast Track Listings process for the sum of 60,000 euro in total. The timeframe as discussed is 2-5 weeks. *During that time, the company has elective options to engage a Lawyer or Team of our recommendation for the filing of an IM with the FSA or Prospectus with BAFIN. Documents of this nature can take 4-8 weeks to produce based on corporate preparedness. The timeframe to complete these documents are unrelated to the timeframe for listing. These documents have more to do with the after listing ability to raise capital from retail investors. FSE Listings Inc Fast Track Listings and Financing Package (120,000 euro) FSE Listings Inc has a variety of corporate partnerships under the public relations team of, Deutsche Capital Partners A.G., Equity Story, and other leading market driven teams. The Fast Track Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings and Frankfurt Financing Proposal include: –          Roadshow within Frankfurt and Switzerland or other markets depending on relevance of listing –          Execute Public Relations on web portals over 6 month commitment –          (Optional) Execute Special Stock Option Financing –          (Optional) Execute Equity Lines of Credit –          Deposit of shares and capital with Market Maker for ongoing trading commitments and requirements to stay quoted –          Ongoing web presence and reputation management (FSE Listings Inc owns its own network of portals that focus on financial markets with over 500,000 unique viewers per month which equate to several million hits. The network consists of over 400 website covering every major stock market in the world.) The total cost including these services is 120,000 euro Optional Support Role: Often firms list and do not have all of the initial management capacity to efficiently handle listing obligations, compliance, and secretarial roles. FSE Listings Inc can continue to support the company on a retainer basis to: –          Assist in Secretarial roles for share issuances, transfers, electronic dissemination, compliance, and Corporate Governance –          Ensure changes within the corporate body are reflected within the company website and relayed to the market maker for continuing listing obligations for the Frankfurt Open Market –          Set-up of custodian and trading accounts for requested shareholders and individuals –          Share price and company value increase –          Strategic Merger and Acquisition development –          Management of relationship with the Market Market to ensure constant trading and capital in account to remain quoted Why Use FSE Listings Inc to List on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange The FSE Listings Inc Group is the leading listing firm for the Frankfurt Stock Exchange listings and the recognized leader bar-none over any other firm for non-German Companies. With official representatives in Spain, UK, South Africa, Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, the USA, Netherlands, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand, Mozambique, and Ireland. Many firms have in-house law firms, which increase your cost of listing and hender your process, FSE Listings Inc utilizes the best and quickest law firms, listing partners, designated sponsors, and local service providers. By going with our firm, you get all of the best professionals as a one-stop service agreement. FSE Listings offers no risk options as the first firm to offer escrow services to their clients so that no funds are released until listing and the listing is Guaranteed! FSE Listings is the fastest listing agent! The shortest listing completed by FSE was 10 days! However we generally quote between 3-6 weeks. Within the last 30 companies listed within 2011, none of the listings took longer than 5 weeks! FSE Listings

FSE Listings: If you are going to become a public company on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, than you need a trader’s mind

There is a well known problem with being an investor that also effects business owners and shareholders alike. However well you structure a company, a business, an idea, in the effort to become the principals of your business and your world, there is always the agents that effect it not to behave the way you, the public, or the company expected. This is called the Principal – Agent problem. Where the agent, such as a broker, financier, major shareholder, does what they want to do versus doing what you expect of them or what is best for the company. This is the fundamental difference of being an investor or a Principal, and being a trader minded person. Often investors and principals go public and have the misconception that all parties related to the deal will work hard for them and do what is best for the company, and just having the pieces there are good enough. We see the woes of this, as other listings firm drive companies to go onto stock exchanges with just the symbol as the finish line, not giving any advice along the way. Often the firms have poor structures, and after listing, they have lost the support of the agents. Even if the structure is sound, like the types of companies FSE Listings Inc lists, when there is selling in the market, financers are not raising capital, sales projections are not always as expected, and there are general woes because there isn’t someone driving the horse carriage. It doesn’t have the trader. A trader is a Principal who knows where the many pieces are, where the profits are made, orchestrates the event of going public and news to drive, motivate, and rally all the pieces together with authority. Have you ever seen how a trader directs their broker? Have you ever seen how a trader moves commodities, how they herd suppliers and the buyers into a frenzy to make the margin and opportunity happen! The reality is, to become an executive, Principal, or part of a public market listed company by listing your firm, you need to pull all the pieces together with authority, creating the opportunities, and making it happen for your firm. Working with experts can only help your business if you are willing to learn and embrace their knowledge, to be humbled regardless of your extensive business experience so as to make a whole perspective. Listing for first time executives is a learning experience, for even second time and third time CEOs and teams, they may have listed companies in the past, but it was another party who drove the process or rules and strategies have changed and their perspective is out-dated. Large investors and tycoons such as Branson, Trump, Buffet, and Gates are all traders in a Principal perspective. If you want to work with a team that both has the skill to list your firm and engage your trader mind and coach you as a public company principal, you should talk to FSE Listings. Let us help you find out what others cannot tell you it’s not just about getting a symbol it’s about your independent control of your companies destiny and that of your shareholders, a trader mind. If you would like to list on a public market, are open to considering the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and working with a team who can guide you as a CEO, you should contact Robert Russell at FSE Listings Inc,

FSE Listings: Going public is a trading symbol with a combination of strategies that involve traders, investors, and gamblers

Listing a company or going public on an exchange like the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, which we specialize in, is not just about the trading symbol as some may have you believe. Within the industry of highly skilled professionals and traders, there is the art and science of deploying clever strategies for structure, trading, and sentiment that drive their search for profits. It is no surprise for those in an electronic day and age, where one can read the dangers and wins of firms, the spoils and ultimate sport of public markets where the profit is taken from the investors, gamblers, and fools. Within every market of highly sophisticated financiers, their exist micro-markets of individuals who specialize in their market, their strategies, their philosophy. For some, like ourselves, it has been listing firms, such as the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, OTCBB, TSX, etc. Within our listings we have specialized in many industries, such as alternative energy, mining, oil and gas, patents, technology, pharmaceuticals, etc. On a practical note, these special groups of strategists include industries and jurisdictions, such as Alternative Energy in India, Spanish Construction firms, Spanish technology companies, etc. Generally specialists exist in every country and every industry in the world, it is the value they possess that makes your listing and financing possible. Within these markets lay the foundation of every successful listing. One must pride themselves therefore in understanding the complex web of structure, law, traders, financers, promoters, management, structure, and sentiment of the markets in general. It is not difficult when you have seasoned advisors like Robert Russell, Mark Bragg, and Ryan Gibson from FSE Listings Inc. It is finding these specialists that guide you through the full service of different service providers, agents, and firms that make listing possible and a success. Consulting should be results driven, when one looks at the number of listings a company has done, it is easy to see the results. FSE Listings inc listed a firm in March in 17 days, earlier this year a firm listed in 10 days, the results are clear, and there are 100s of them. Recently we were asked why we charge 60,000 euro for a service others charge 100’s of thousands for, we generally like working with the entrepreneurs and believe in the firms. Your success is our success as a listing agent, the price you pay is fair, and the service you will receive is unbeatable. What considerations do you have to take into mind: Liquidity Transaction Costs Prices and Information (Disclosures and why press is shared.) Volatility Trading Profits Cost of Capital What is often lacking in the linear thinking which is counter to most of the fundamentals of the stock market analysts is the ability to feel, judge, sense, and know sentiment. Often what is overlooked by one entrepreneur is picked up by another just in time for the market to huddle towards it. The general sentiment in electricity and green energy has been driven greatly by this non-fundamental ideal of sentiment, often pushed forward by figure heads like Al Gore, who’s marketing is free in this case. The reality is, you should not be looking for a company to list an idea to just get a symbol and hope money comes in, you should be doing it for: The opportunity The sentiment foreshadowing what is to come The real tangible business sense that works and profits in an industry The flexibility you have in the market The level playing field or advantage you hold to others in your field (Given the financial crisis the field is level in many industries) The market is about supply and demand, understanding all of the market intricacies and your own business will drive your success with the right listing firm. I suggest contacting FSE Listings Inc, to discuss your market, industry, fundamentals, and the growing sentiment that will drive your company to a successful listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. If you would like to list on a public market, are open to considering the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and working with a team who can guide you as a CEO, you should contact Robert Russell at FSE Listings Inc,

Public Companies, Directors, and Employees need to take charge of their Identity Online from Internet Defamation and Gripe Sites

In no other market is public image more important than for public companies, their CEOs, their Lawyers, their service providers, and even in some cases shareholders. If a defaming comment can be made, someone will make the comment. Welcome to the era of Internet Defamation and Gripe sites, one that one key group of Lawyers and internet marketers know well, after discussions with Aaron Kelly, we clearly found that no matter how good we think we are, we need them and so do you. Internet “gripe” sites have become very popular over the last three or four years, and they have taken many different forms. Some of these sites have offered students an opportunity to share random thoughts. Others have turned into a bashing forum for people to light into other people. Others still allow consumers to gripe about different businesses. Though it turns out these sites are completely legal, there are some reasons to take pause if you are posting on them. The law provides certain protections for the owners of these sites, but those protections are not ironclad. This is especially true in the changing world where internet laws are under siege. In addition, in order to legally deal with the material being used, you will need to look to the legal basis for starting the process of pushing the deletion and deindexing of the content in google. With regards to these steps taken, it is also advisable that a Legal driven internet marketing strategy be put into place to maximise the way that the gripes, bad press, and negative news can be pushed out of the search engines… justifiably. If you have been victim or any of your employees of bashing, gripes, and libel online, take a look at our friends from or email Laws designed to shield site owners One of the nice things about today’s internet law is that site owners are relatively insulated from litigation. They have a “shield”, so to speak, since the law does not allow for prosecution on the basis of simply providing a forum. The way these sites get away with this is relatively simple. They just put out the bulletin board and allow people to post thoughts on it. This puts the responsibility on the individuals doing the posting, since the law does not impute liability onto the site owner in most circumstances. Though many have tried, it is very difficult to get to a site owner based upon these principles. Coming after site posters Just because the site is insulated does not mean that individual posters are free to post what they want. Even anonymous posters can be held liable for their words if those words are defamatory to other people. In many instances, subpoenas have been served on the site, requiring the site owners to give up IP addresses on users. This can turn ugly for people who have been posting false statements, as they can be sued for libel as a result of their words. Site owners and encouraging misconduct Gripe sites have run into some trouble on the basis of “encouraging” certain kinds of postings. Though they are not civilly liable for defamation on the face, these individual site owners can be implicated if they encourage certain postings. This is where the law gets a bit murky, so site owners have to be very careful in how they craft their sites. Though they are not required to take down postings and they are not generally responsible for all defamation that takes place there, a site owner can have some liability if he is not careful. The changing nature of internet law Another thing to note is that the internet law is changing. The US Supreme Court and other federal courts are still relatively new to the proceedings and they are still learning how to apply the law. There is always a chance that the law could shift with judicial interpretation changing in time. This is something that site owners and internet posters alike must be aware of if they plan to test the difficult waters of internet gripe and borderline defamation.

FSE Listings: What is an Equity Line of Credit or SPPA, SSPA, Stock Purchase Agreement, and how can FSE Listings Inc enable your firm to get listed to utilize one

FSE Listings: What is an Equity Line of Credit or SPPA, SSPA, Stock Purchase Agreement, and how can FSE Listings Inc enable your firm to get listed to utilize one Equity Line of Credits, Pass-through financing’s, and SSPA agreements have been around for a very long time within the United States markets, generally placed in the category of Private Investment In Public Equities, PIPE Transactions. Generally the Credit lines and financing are based on the average liquidity of a stock’s performance based on data over a volume weighted average pricing (15-20 days) for example. This is meant to give companies the cash flow fast with a liquid market. If the company is private, they need to list on an acceptable exchange. The Frankfurt Stock Exchange is becoming the most popular, of which is the fastest, most affordable, and most attentive to your structure requirements. If you are going to take advantage of an Equity Line of Credit, Debenture, or dilutive stock purchase agreement, structure becomes your most important consideration when going public. Some firms have designed a third party style of achieving this, called a pass-through from an existing shareholder to the fund, so that the firm doesn’t issue new shares from treasurey, lessoning the total dilution of the firm. In order to achieve this, the structure from the beginning needs to allow for the shares to be issued, for consideration and fully paid, so that the shareholder and company do not face future complications with the payment of the shares such as Securities Regulators, Creditors who claims shares where unpaid, and various other thoughts and resolutions that need to be filed within your corporate structure. There is more to an Equity Line of Credit than just the funding and the symbol to draw down funds, in order to get to this stage without destroying your firm, you need to have the proper structure, listing partners, market makers, and team behind your firm like FSE Listings Inc. Before you decide to list your firm with the same firms that finance you consider this, would you sign a contract with a purchase of your company using the purchasers lawyers and advisers? Of course not, you would be ill advised to do so. Adding another layer of impartiality such as FSE Listings Inc professionals, we engage your interests in structure, listings, and post-ipo activities to ensure your firm is safe and compliant. If a firm objects to our involvement, beware, we have probably already clipped their wings in the past for structuring poor deals for clients. In many cases, we have actually rebuilt companies for clients, because of poor decisions they have made around debentures, equity lines of credit, and option agreements. If you have signed a Pre-Listed Commitment from a firm you have probably: Filled in a pre listing commitment application and received a term sheet you have signed Paid for the template Stock Purchase Agreement and Equity Line documentation The fund signed once the payment is received, with their legally binding agreement to you, and You To Them… read careful They may do a deal with a listed company for you to merge with (not recommended) due to debts, structure, control, articles, and regulations you have no control of Or you get the option to find your own listed company or have your firm listed directly (Recommended using, Within 3-6 weeks we can structure your firm for whatever transaction you are engaging in, take the firm public, and enable your ability to execute financing with capital firms. The reality is that the control is within the management of the public company which will determine the draw-downs, the financing depends on how you are structured and how you plan using the funds. There are also many other options that can be part of a Frankfurt Roadshow for your newly listed firm with our company FSE Listings Inc, Contact us today! Please be aware that several firms have tried to impersonate us, please only try to reach us through this contact information below, the real FSE Listings: Contact Robert Russell or Mark Bragg today! Robert Russell Mark Bragg New York: +1-914-613-3889 UK: +44(0)2081235719 Hong Kong: 81753591 South Africa: +27110836116 FSE Listings Inc guarantees the success of your listing! Contact us with your information! Please include: Company Name Contact Name Contact Number Contact Email Amount of Capital invested to date Amount of Capital required Reasons for wanting to list Description of Business Website if available

FSE Listings: Unleash the potential of your Equity Line Of Credit with Equity Partners Fund SPC by listing fast on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange with FSE Listings Inc!

FSE Listings: Unleash the potential of your Equity Line Of Credit with Renaissance Financial Holdings Limited by listing fast on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange with FSE Listings Inc FSE Listings Inc,, has been working in partnership with several firms who give Equity Lines of Credit to private companies subject to them going public. Our listing fees of 60,000 euro have made us very popular with the persons and companies holding these credit lines, as they often require public company shares on an acceptable exchange to trade. Most of the firms within the industry resell our services as a listing company. We also get paid on performance, so there are no upfront payments, the funds go into escrow based on delivery of milestones. Many firms ask for 50% upfront for listings, these firms take their time, we put 100% of the funds in escrow and its released as we list you. This motivates our team to do it faster and faster, our last listing was 17 days, or fastest was 10 days. Within Australia, firms charge 150,000 euro for listing, within Germany, most are between 70,000 euro and 80,000 euro. FSE Listings lists more often and faster at our current rate, with each listing taking between 3-6 weeks for 60,000 euro. Our last listing on March 21st, just 5 days ago from when this post was written, took 17 days. Our examples are current, and give references. There are several firms that offer equity lines of credit, such as Equity Partners Fund, Prime Capital Fund, Zimbabwes RENAISSANCE Financial Holdings Limited, Deutsche Capital Partners, Lead Dog Capital, etc. Some of the common names involved on contracts is Joespeh B. LaRocco, Chris Messalas, Nasir Mogul, Alvin Donovan, Robert Russell, Mark Bragg, Ryan Gibson, Csurgo, Julius .etc. As mentioned before, it could be as much as 90% of the FSE Listings go through at some point FSE Listings Inc’s consortium. Go direct and go faster, and come to or The Equity Line of Credit is based on the potential market your firm will make upon going public, it also relies greatly on the volume of your shares trading under a VWAP, Volume Weight Average Pricing, of your shares traded based most generally on the lowest bid, not sale prices. If you would like the equity line of credit explained in plain terms, please contact us. In addition, enjoy a free consultation from our team to discuss the timeframe for listing your firm on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. If you are looking to list your firm quickly to begin your draw downs with any of the above firms, you should contact and begin the process immediately and today. Our record for listing firms per annum exceeds any other industry professional, we recommend you begin by contacting us before you commit to any other listing services contracts. Please be aware that several firms have tried to impersonate us, please only try to reach us through this contact information below, the real FSE Listings: Contact Robert Russell or Mark Bragg today! Robert Russell Mark Bragg New York: +1-914-613-3889 UK: +44(0)2081235719 Hong Kong: 81753591 South Africa: +27110836116 FSE Listings Inc guarantees the success of your listing! Contact us with your information! Please include: Company Name Contact Name Contact Number Contact Email Amount of Capital invested to date Amount of Capital required Reasons for wanting to list Description of Business Website if available Contact today! FSE Listings is a leader in listing firms the fastest, the most affordable, the most honest!

FSE Listings: Unleash the potential of your Equity Line Of Credit with Renaissance Financial Holdings Limited by listing fast on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange with FSE Listings Inc

FSE Listings: Unleash the potential of your Equity Line Of Credit with Renaissance Financial Holdings Limited by listing fast on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange with FSE Listings Inc FSE Listings Inc,, has been working in partnership with several firms who give Equity Lines of Credit to private companies subject to them going public. Our listing fees of 60,000 euro have made us very popular with the persons and companies holding these credit lines, as they often require public company shares on an acceptable exchange to trade. Most of the firms within the industry resell our services as a listing company. We also get paid on performance, so there are no upfront payments, the funds go into escrow based on delivery of milestones. Many firms ask for 50% upfront for listings, these firms take their time, we put 100% of the funds in escrow and its released as we list you. This motivates our team to do it faster and faster, our last listing was 17 days, or fastest was 10 days. Within Australia, firms charge 150,000 euro for listing, within Germany, most are between 70,000 euro and 80,000 euro. FSE Listings lists more often and faster at our current rate, with each listing taking between 3-6 weeks for 60,000 euro. Our last listing on March 21st, just 5 days ago from when this post was written, took 17 days. Our examples are current, and give references. There are several firms that offer equity lines of credit, such as Equity Partners Fund, Prime Capital Fund, Zimbabwes RENAISSANCE Financial Holdings Limited, Deutsche Capital Partners, Lead Dog Capital, etc. Some of the common names involved on contracts is Joespeh B. LaRocco, Chris Messalas, Nasir Mogul, Alvin Donovan, Robert Russell, Mark Bragg, Ryan Gibson, Csurgo,  Julius .etc. As mentioned before, it could be as much as 90% of the FSE Listings go through at some point FSE Listings Inc’s consortium. Go direct and go faster, and come to or The Equity Line of Credit is based on the potential market your firm will make upon going public, it also relies greatly on the volume of your shares trading under a VWAP, Volume Weight Average Pricing, of your shares traded based most generally on the lowest bid, not sale prices. If you would like the equity line of credit explained in plain terms, please contact us. In addition, enjoy a free consultation from our team to discuss the timeframe for listing your firm on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. If you are looking to list your firm quickly to begin your draw downs with any of the above firms, you should contact and begin the process immediately and today. Our record for listing firms per annum exceeds any other industry professional, we recommend you begin by contacting us before you commit to any other listing services contracts. Please be aware that several firms have tried to impersonate us, please only try to reach us through this contact information below, the real FSE Listings: Contact Robert Russell or Mark Bragg today! Robert Russell Mark Bragg New York: +1-914-613-3889 UK: +44(0)2081235719 Hong Kong: 81753591 South Africa: +27110836116 FSE Listings Inc guarantees the success of your listing! Contact us with your information! Please include: Company Name Contact Name Contact Number Contact Email Amount of Capital invested to date Amount of Capital required Reasons for wanting to list Description of Business Website if available Contact today! FSE Listings is a leader in listing firms the fastest, the most affordable, the most honest!

FSE Listings: Unleash the potential of your Equity Line Of Credit by listing fast on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

FSE Listings: Unleash the potential of your Equity Line Of Credit by listing fast on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange FSE Listings Inc,, has been working in partnership with several firms who give Equity Lines of Credit to private companies subject to them going public. Our listing fees of 60,000 euro have made us very popular with the persons and companies holding these credit lines, as they often require public company shares on an acceptable exchange to trade. Most of the firms within the industry resell our services as a listing company. Within Australia, firms charge 150,000 euro for listing, within Germany, most are between 70,000 euro and 80,000 euro. FSE Listings lists more often and faster at our current rate, with each listing taking between 3-6 weeks for 60,000 euro. Our last listing on March 21st, just 5 days ago from when this post was written, took 3 weeks. There are several firms that offer equity lines of credit, such as Equity Partners Fund, Prime Capital Fund, Zimbabwes RENAISSANCE Financial Holdings Limited, Deutsche Capital Partners, Lead Dog Capital, etc. Some of the common names involved on contracts is Joespeh B. LaRocco, Chris Messalas, Nasir Mogul, Alvin Donovan, Robert Russell, Mark Bragg, Ryan Gibson, Csurgo, Rowe, etc. As mentioned before, it could be as much as 90% of the FSE Listings go through at some point FSE Listings Inc’s consortium. Go direct, and come to The Equity Line of Credit is based on the potential market your firm will make upon going public, it also relies greatly on the volume of your shares trading under a VWAP, Volume Weight Average Pricing, of your shares traded based most generally on the lowest bid, not sale prices. If you would like the equity line of credit explained in plain terms, please contact us. In addition, enjoy a free consultation from our team to discuss the timeframe for listing your firm on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. If you are looking to list your firm quickly to begin your draw downs with any of the above firms, you should contact and begin the process immediately and today. Our record for listing firms per annum exceeds any other industry professional, we recommend you begin by contacting us before you commit to any other listing services contracts. Please be aware that several firms have tried to impersonate us, please only try to reach us through this contact information below, the real FSE Listings: Contact Robert Russell or Mark Bragg today! Robert Russell Mark Bragg New York: +1-914-613-3889 UK: +44(0)2081235719 Hong Kong: 81753591 South Africa: +27110836116 FSE Listings Inc guarantees the success of your listing! Contact us with your information! Please include: Company Name Contact Name Contact Number Contact Email Amount of Capital invested to date Amount of Capital required Reasons for wanting to list Description of Business Website if available

FSE Listings: Robert Russell’s FSE Listings Announces 5 new clients and listings this month, remaining the leading Frankfurt Listings firm at

March 2011, For Immediate Release FSE Listings Inc (Frankfurt) has taken over the market for Frankfurt Listings under the management of Mark Bragg and Robert Russell, with 5-10 new listings clients per month. At 60,000 Euro’s our firm under-cuts 90% of the market place. However it’s not just about price, our experts Robert Russell, Mr. Gibson, and Mark Bragg all have extensive experience in UK, US, Canadian, Australian, South African, and other merger Laws for professional completion of mergers and listing of firms in 3-6 weeks on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. It is our impression that our knowledge at FSE Listings, is: Superior for the FSE Listings market than any firm we have encountered Honest, of which is behind our brand and client testimonials for FSE Listings Qualified, with FSE Listings market makers, Lawyers, and Transfer Agents as partners Experienced by way of our track record of over 100 listings Please be aware that several firms have tried to impersonate us, please only try to reach us through this contact information below, the real FSE Listings: Contact Robert Russell or Mark Bragg today! Robert Russell Mark Bragg New York: +1-914-613-3889 UK: +44(0)2081235719 Hong Kong: 81753591 South Africa: +27110836116 FSE Listings Inc guarantees the success of your listing! Contact us with your information! Please include: Company Name Contact Name Contact Number Contact Email Amount of Capital invested to date Amount of Capital required Reasons for wanting to list Description of Business Website if available

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