BSE Listings: Berlin Stock Exchange Listings is part of the International Financial Exchange and Banking Group - UK FSA Registered Broker Dealer

NASDAQ Listings versus Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings Costs

The NASDAQ listings cost between 1.2 to 1.5 million USD for IPO listings on average and are equally as expensive per annum, at least $400-$500k on companies with multiple transactions. Listing on Frankfurt: – no audit – no reporting rules – no insider trading rules – no restrictions on insiders If you have cashflow, a company can get 1-5 million euro fast in and it has no shares to sell related to it. If its a start up company you can generally get $1-$10 million in private placements over a 12 month period, shares restriced for 12 months if you want to . From the point of view of what FSE Listings Inc has to over, we can list firms in 3-6 weeks on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange from submission, we keep the costs to a minimum, 60k euro, and we can introduce up to 5 million euro first round financing for firms that qualify. The Frankfurt listing doesn’t have the on going costs of Audits, Legal opinions and bills, disclosures, filings, and reporting that the other exchanges have. Most exchanges are not making it easier for small businesses, their idea of quality companies are those that can pay large bills and yearly fees, there is no interest in quality small businesses on the other exchanges. The Frankfurt Stock Exchange is the most friendly market in the World for new businesses and existing businesses looking to raise capital. In addition, once listed on the FSE, one can always dual list, cross list, or relist on the AIM, OTCBB, TSX,ASX, JSE, etc. As a consultancy, FSE Listings Inc provides training to clients, coaches clients, and works with them for years not months. We are available for questions at +19146133889 or FSE Listings Inc guarantees the success of your listing!

FSE Listings: UK Frankfurt Listed Company with Bond Issuance To Raise Capital

UK Frankfurt Listed Company with Bond Issuance We have a structure which will allow your firm to list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange utilizing a UK company, of which we then have the capacity to insure all investments going into the company in a Bond format, provided your asset and cashflow mechanisms can service the bonds or debt instruments.The structure can place from 5 million to 50 million euro depending on your companies qualifications and risk factors for the insurer. At the end of the day, your investment vehicle will be rated a double A rating giving investors guaranteed returns making it easier to raise capital for your venture.No one else can offer this to you, contact to see if you qualify today!!!

FSE Listings: Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings Shells for Sale

Frankfurt Stock Exchange Shells for Sale FSE Listings and are the leading source for custom built Frankfurt Shells with no financial history or debts that could affect your business. We do not sell second hand shell companies, on occasion we will deal with reputable vendors within the industry. All of our Frankfurt public shells include: –          500,000 euro paid in capital –          10 cents par value –          Equity lines of Credit and Financing optional (depends on your assets) –          100% clean –          Trading with symbol –          Good Market Maker relationship –          Complete and Deliverable –          No debts with the market maker –          Optional Prospectus or IM available –          All legal and reverse merger costs –          Process overseen by licensed European Financial Advisor (FSE, AIM, Plus, Euronext, DAX) FSE Listings specialization is working with non-German companies from anywhere in the world seeking a Frankfurt Listing and capital for their company through a publicly traded company on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. We guarantee a simple merger process that will take less than 2 weeks, complete and delivered with trading and financing set-up for the company. What is important about FSE Listings shells? When we deliver the shares, it comes with strong market market relationships, we do not keep a percentage of the company, and you get a financing agreement to assist to bring capital to your firm. Why are our competitors shells not good? Most competitors sell dirty shells, which means they have shares in the float either held by them or a third party which gets sold to your market maker, and when this happens your market maker delists the shell you purchased. This is very bad. In addition, there are various outfits from Switzerland, Australia, the US, and Canada that sell Canadian listed shells and Swiss Company shells which require reporting in their jurisdiction or simply cannot bring their shares to trade. Often the Canadian listed shell companies traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange are built by people with NO REAL LAW experience but they call themselves merger law lawyers and associates regardless of their lack of experience. In addition, Canadian shell companies listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange have a very bad reputation, probably the worst in Germany for not having companies with legitimate assets in it. To be listed as a Canadian Shell in Frankfurt immediately means to investors and regulators that your firm is not fit for investment. You will find that immediate scrutiny of your firm comes from being a Canadian listed firm. In addition, you do need to take on the cost of reporting in Canada under SEDAR as well as the market maker costs internationally. We don’t build Canadian companies due to their bad reputation and structure, contact us to find out what the ideal structure is for you in Europe and how to best build firms that investors will take serious! Contact now! Please Choose Your Location: Canada – Looking to list on the Frankfurt Exchange United States – Looking for a Frankfurt Listing United Kingdom – Looking to raise capital and list on Frankfurt South Africa – Looking to go public on Frankfurt Australia – Looking for public shell, equity line, and financing on Frankfurt Asia – Looking to build a WOFI and List on the Frankfurt Exchange India – Looking to build a DFI vehicle and list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Brasil/Brazil – Looking to list mining assets and technology companies on Frankfurt South America – Looking to list agricultural projects, mining, energy, and technology Central America –  Looking to list financial services, energy, and technology with FSE Listings Africa – Agriculture Financing, Mining Financing, Power Plant Financing, by going public with FSE Listings Fast financing and Frankfurt stock exchange listings with FSE Listings!

Frankfurt Listings: Raise up to £4.37m from 150 investors without the requirement of a Prospectus! UK Regulations Changes make it Better For You To Be A UK Firm Raising Money!

Frankfurt Listings: Raise up to £4.37m from 150 investors without the requirement of a Prospectus! UK Regulations Changes make it Better For You To Be A UK Firm Raising Money! For several years, FSE Listings Inc has been educating the public why the UK is simple and faster for listing firms; it appears now that they have become easier to raise capital with as well. Recent regulation changes spearheaded by Mark Hoban, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, have eased the ability for small businesses to raise equity finance from this month onward. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) will be able to access up to £4.37m before a prospectus – a costly compliance procedure – is triggered. Hoban said: “I’m delighted to announce that the UK is taking the lead in Europe by introducing these deregulatory measures early, saving UK SMEs £12m per year. “Reducing the regulatory burdens faced by business is vital in making the UK the best place in Europe to start, finance and grow a company. The deregulatory amendments to the EU Prospectus Directive became law at the beginning of this month, allowing businesses to take advantage of the measures from immediately. As written in articles before by FSE Listings Inc, ( small firms need to look at equity finances as an alternative to going to the Bank who is overburdened, these simple changes makes the UK the leading place to headquarter your small business and list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The most important choice is making right choices! In order to do this, small businesses need to know the alternatives to credit and Banks, and the UK equity markets and the European Exchange Frankfurt Listings can reach the capital requirements privately and then publicly with ease. The leading firm for assisting companies to gain much needed equity capital partners and Frankfurt Listings of UK firms is FSE Listings. “Extending the number of investors and increasing the prospectus value will help more small businesses access equity finance and show there are more options than just going to the bank for credit. What’s important is that small businesses are aware of the alternative routes to finance.” List today utilizing FSE Listings Inc! Whether you are a US firm, Canadian Firm, Australian Business, New Zealand Business, Chinese Company, Spanish Company, UK Corporation, Limited, Public, or Sole Proprietor in any Country in the World, we can help you build a structure to go public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange! Contact! FSE Listings UK Change in Regulations, Raising Money * * * * * * *

Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings (FSE Listings) July Report To Clients and Companies Looking To Go Public

Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings (FSE Listings) July Report To Clients and Companies Looking To Go Public New Frankfurt Listings Within the month of July there have been 5 firms listed on the Entry Standard and 18 firms listed on the Open Market (Regulated Unofficial Market) at FWB® Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Frankfurt Stock Exchange). FSE Listings Inc, remains the leading source of public listings on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange with 3 Frankfurt Listings in the month of July and no delistings of clients during the month of July. Frankfurt Delistings vs Frankfurt Listings It has been clear that several firms who have not contracted FSE Listings Inc to build their structure before Frankfurt listing have suffered from delisting of their company due to market trading requirements and the loose structures of other going public firms and merger law groups. Several of the going public companies ask for shares when companies go public, these shares released into the open market damage the obligation of the company to make a market. If these shares cause the market makers liability for placing a bid and ask, without a liquid market, the firms that list you could in effect cause the delisting of your firm. It is important that you always consult with FSE Listings Inc before you issue any shares in your firm. Several clients of these fast track express listings Frankfurt law firms, merger law groups or associates of such listings firm have all faced delisting possibly as their structures did not meet the 10 cents euro requirement, 500,000 euro capital, and bid & ask requirement of 2,000 to maintain a market. More importantly, they have not been able to keep up an active market in the shares of their firms or raise capital! The lack of experience of the listing firms have caused several companies to delist, and we expect many more to follow if they have not been listed by FSE Listings Inc or who have not taken explicit advice of FSE Listings and the market maker. If you are an already listed firm and are afraid of delisting, please contact and we may be able to consult with your firm. Your listing is important to us. If you are thinking of listing, the only place you should go to is Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings with FSE Listings The number one firm to use for listing foreign companies from the UK, Australia, Canada, the US, Russia, China, Thailand, New Zealand, Spain, France, Italy, South Africa, and elsewhere is still FSE Listings Inc run by Mark Bragg, Robert Russell, Charles Van Musscher, Brad McCarthy, Ryan Gibson, Llew Watkins, and many others who are part of the consortium globally! With over 1,000 companies listed on public exchanges and several billion in financing, the consortium’s connections to the Frankfurt Stock Exchange market makers and financing firms help clients achieve their goals and list efficiently and affordably. Contact and send your company name, contact information, and website for us to review for a free consultation. FSE Listings Now!

FSE Listings: Financial Services Industry IPOs and Listings on Frankfurt Topping the Charts

Financial Services Industry IPOs and Listings on Frankfurt Topping the Charts The financial services industry has been successfully listing, financing, and building companies on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange for several years, as one of the most popular sectors in the Market. This month, Prime Office Reit AG listed, along with Ban Corp Holdings PLC. ADC African Development Corporation and African Opportunities Investment Capital Limited reflect the growing penetration of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange into South Africa’s financial markets, and Africa in general in the diversified financial sector. Challenging the Johannesburg Stock Exchange hold on African companies as they seek effective ways of gaining foreign investment from Germany and abroad. There have been several firms in addition listing in the financial services sector in Real Estate, Reits, Diversified Financial sectors, Private Equity and Venture Capital. If you run a financial services company looking to list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange contact FSE Listings, We guarantee listing of your firm, we list firms in 3-6 weeks, we are the leading listing company of foreign companies. Here is a comprehensive list of Financial Sector Companies on the Regulated Market: Company             Symbol Prime Office REIT-AG     PMO ADC African Development Corporation GmbH & Co. KGaA           AZC GSW Immobilien AG       GIB JK Wohnbau AG               JWB European CleanTech 1 SE             ECT Helikos SE            HIT IFM Immobilien AG         IFM Franconofurt AG              FFM Fair Value REIT-AG          FVI ORCO Germany S.A.       O5G FranconoWest AG           4FR MAGNAT Real Estate AG              M5R Hypoport AG     HYQ Leonardo Venture GmbH & Co. KGaA    L3V Eurocastle Investment Limited  EUI1 DF Deutsche Forfait AG DE6 alstria office REIT-AG      AOX ESTAVIS AG        E7S POLIS Immobilien AG     PQL ARISTON Real Estate AG               A3E Princess Private Equity Holding Limited  PEY1 YOUNIQ AG        AL4 C-QUADRAT Investment AG       C8I FranconoRheinMain AG                F7R HAHN-Immobilien-Beteiligungs AG         H4I GAGFAH S.A.     GFJ GWB Immobilien AG      G7B Lang & Schwarz Wertpapierhandelsbank AG       LUS OVB Holding AG               O4B Deutsche Wohnen AG   DWNI DIC Asset AG     DAZ Dresdner Factoring AG  D2F PATRIZIA Immobilien AG              P1Z Hesse Newman Capital AG          RTM Lloyd Fonds Aktiengesellschaft  L1O HCI Capital AG   HXCI INTERHYP AG     IYP Heliad Equity Partners GmbH & Co. KGaA             HPB Deutsche Postbank AG DPB Hypo Real Estate Holding AG      HRX AIRE GmbH & Co. KGaA                ARE Aareal Bank AG ARL TIG Themis Industries Group GmbH & Co. KGaA                VCO UNIPROF Real Estate Holding AG              UPR Vivacon AG         VIA SM Wirtschaftsberatungs AG     SMW Deutsche Börse AG         DB1 Deutsche EuroShop AG DEQ TAG Immobilien AG        TEG Maier + Partner AG         MPR AWD Holding AG              AWD MPC Münchmeyer Petersen Capital AG                MPC IVG Deutschland Immobilien AG               SDK F.A.M.E. AG       FAM Metis Capital Ltd.             EIC MCC Global N.V.              IFQ Allgeier Holding AG         AEI Sparta AG            SPT comdirect bank AG         COM GRENKELEASING AG      GLJ Fortune Management Inc.           FMI1 DAB bank AG     DRN Deutsche Real Estate AG              DRE2 Corporate Equity Partners AG    FAN Cash Medien AG              MF8 Wüstenrot & Württembergische AG       WUW SCHNIGGE Wertpapierhandelsbank AG SHB2 Hypo Real Estate Bank AG Private Value AG              BLN FORIS AG             FRS bmp media investors AG              BTBA Gontard & MetallBank AG           GMB German Brokers Aktiengesellschaft i.I.  GEB KNORR CAPITAL PARTNER AG    KCP2 mwb fairtrade Wertpapierhandelsbank AG         MWB Vestcorp AG      TFG Fritz Nols Global Equity Services AG         FNG LINTEC Information Technologies AG      LIC Capital Stage AG               CAP Bau-Verein zu Hamburg AG        BVH Concord Investmentbank AG     CEF Greenwich Beteiligungen AG INDUS Holding AG           INH RSE Grundbesitz und Beteiligungs-AG Open Unregulated Market Financial Services Cuba Development & Investment PLC   OW1 Global Capital & Financial Corp.  017B REXTON Hotel & Property Group Ltd.     9RX Minerva Capital AG         MC0 3A Finance PLC  3AM Investment Engine Ltd. 06H IPO.GO AG         GO0 African Opportunities Invest Capital Ltd.               7FA AAIC Bullion Refineries Group Ltd            1AB Smart Ventures Inc.        SVM Awesome Investments Inc. IRAQ Capital AG                2IC Cinco Investments PLC  1CC Nitro Capital Partners Inc.            NBT AutoBank AG     AW2 Occopirn Capital SE          OC3 Baltic Finance PLC            8WM Knowledge Capital Ltd.  G3Q Capitol W.B.C. PLC           8WB UNIVERMA AG UX6 Potrimpos Capital SE       POE Madison Property AG    MPD Firmitas Capital Inc.         1FC Acropolis Finance Inc.    APF Euro Asia Premier Real Estate Company Limited                JT9 Apollo Capital Group Inc.              7A8 Sapphire Capital PLC       SH2 Helvetia Asset Management AG               H92 CR Capital Real Estate AG             CRZ London Hong Kong Exchange PLC             LKC LHKX Capital AG                S28 EPG [Engineered nanoProducts Germany] AG   Q9Z First Trend-Management AG      FTJN Advanced Equity Financing AG   FJ9 Blue Sky Resorts Inc.      MF7 Proserv Capital PLC         PVPB Klima Investment GmbH & Co. KGaA      T1F World Markets AG          4WM GFKL Financial Services AG          GFS1 Essential Invest GmbH & Co. KGaA          ES3 Aerfinance PLC 3LV Indenture Investments Ltd.        3IV Corporate Bourse PLC    3OW EcoInvest Holding N.V.  5EI Cleantech Invest AG       4CT Seabed Invest AG            4SB CB Retail Investment Public Ltd.                5CBA IQ Investment AG           5IQ AsiaPac Capital Services Inc.        5AP Bionano Ventures AG    49B Boralis Invest AG              3BI Emerald Capital Group Corp.       3EM Campus Investments PLC             LUC TKS Real Estate PLC         37W1 Matador Private Equity AG          MT4 Finanzkontor Zürich AG DV81 TMM Real Estate Development PLC        TR61 Grüezi Real Estate AG    GRP Bioenergy Capital AG     BIY Capella Capital N.V.         CLI InCity Immobilien AG     IC8 Varengold Wertpapierhandelsbank AG VG8 Fidor Bank AG   F5R Best Investment Co. Inc.              BN4 Capital Communication AG          B7N CONET Technologies AG               CT71 LongLife Ventures AG    LG7 Altira Aktiengesellschaft               A7A Franca Equity AG              WJB Sherbrooke Equity AG   S59 ARTEMIS Global Capital SE           AC6 MAX21 Management und Beteiligungen AG       MA1 Corona Equity Partner AG            CY1 Palladius AG       P8L GoingPublic Media AG   G6P SEE Real Estate AG          SR8 CdC Capital AG  CDZ Minaya Capital AG           M7C CWI Real Estate AG         CW6 quirin bank AG  QB7 EQUIPOTENTIAL SE         EQU Mercurius AG    CF1 MINDFIRE REAL ESTATE AG         M3S Francono Rhein-Main AG             F7R DATAGROUP IT Services Holding AG       D6H API Invest & Finanz AG  APJ Eastern European Venture Group Inc. ARIMA Real Estate AG   R2E Black Box Capital AG       B5B MAGNAT Real Estate Opportunities GmbH & Co. KGaA  M5R Prior Capital AG                P1C EquityStory AG E1S Dubai Oasis Capital AG   D9O Hamburgische Immobilien und Energie Invest AG             H1I EXchange Investors

FSE Listings Inc is proud to announce the addition of Llew Watkins and Watkins World Wide LLC to the company’s family of partners and global affiliations for listing firms on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

June 15th 2011 FSE Listings Inc is proud to announce the addition of Llew Watkins and Watkins World Wide LLC to the company’s family of partners and global affiliations for listing firms on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The distribution agreement and affiliated website and allow for Watkins World Wide to represent our services within the United States and globally, excluding regions designated to other partners exclusively. “Upon discussions with Mr. Watkins, we came to many of the same conclusions, that several of the listing firms try to go around their partners or don’t complete promises, we excel in meeting client commitments and have put our best foot forward will Llew, in addition, Llew has shown that he is a great committed candidate to every client he has introduced. It is a proud moment for FSE Listings Inc to have him and his firm as part of our team in the US.” Robert Russell, FSE Listings Inc About Llew Watkins In 2006 Watkins WorldWide, LLC was founded, which provides private and public business planning and consulting services for its corporate clientele seeking capital and equity financing through a public offering and exchange listings. Llewellyn R. Watkins has owned, funded, operated private and public several companies in the mining, technology and manufacturing sectors and is a leader in the field of business consulting for private companies seeking capital and listing on major domestic and international exchanges ( OTCBB, FrankFurt, TSX, HKE ) and has been involved in over 500 transactions. About FSE Listings Inc Why Use FSE Listings Inc to List on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange The FSE Listings Inc Group is the leading listing firm for the Frankfurt Stock Exchange listings and the recognized leader bar-none over any other firm for non-German Companies. With offices in Spain, UK, South Africa, Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, the USA, Netherlands, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand, Mozambique, and Ireland. Many firms have in-house law firms, which increase your cost of listing and hender your process, FSE Listings Inc utilizes the best and quickest law firms, listing partners, designated sponsors, and local service providers. By going with our firm, you get all of the best professionals as a one-stop service agreement. , and

Frankfurt Shell For Sale 80K Euro UK PLC

A newly formed Frankfurt Shell for 80k Euro, UK PLC, market maker fees paid, only requirement is the new market rules as of May 23 2011, for the deposit of shares and setting up of an account to trade shares based on the continuous trading rules. We can assist with this. Lets be honest, a company takes 3-5 weeks to list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange with and only costs 60k euro. No percentages, no hidden fees, that is our cost to build a shell for your firm. Anyone who sells a shell over 80k euro is taking a huge profit and advantage of the fact that you don’t know the costs of listing a firm. It is not a complicated process. Most of our clients come to us to buy our shells, and end up listing a firm. The reason is that any take over of a public company requires due diligence, transfer agent assistance, confirmation of your Directors IDs and suitability for anti-money laundering laws, setting up the new share or member registry, resolutions to approve all of the above. This generally takes 3 weeks to complete to 4 weeks if you consider the time to open a trading account and depositing shares to meet the new rules. Therefore, you can buy a shell for 80k euro and completely own in in 3-4 weeks, or list a new one for 60k, the way you want in the same timeframe. We can do both for you and would be happy to assist at FSE Listings Inc. Our main sales agents include, Robert Russell, Mark Bragg, Ryan Gibson, Llew Watkins, and Brandon Gibson. If you run into anyone else claiming to be FSE Listings, please let us know, as there have been a few copy-cats as of lately in the industry claiming to be us. The difference is, we are cheaper, we don’t take any percentages of your business, money goes in escrow…

FSE Listings: Bridge Capital and Incubator System for Companies Looking To List On The Frankfurt Stock Exchange by Robert Russell

FSE Listings Inc is the leading listing company for foreign firms looking to go public and raise capital through the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. ( We are proud to announce the best go public process in the World, which outlines the best way to raise capital, control your firm, go public, and build a lasting and stable company without the hassle of any interence from vulture “bridge capital” firms. What is a vulture “bridge capital firm”, a firm purporting to be experts in merger law or associates of lawyers without licenses to do Law or venture vultures who are go public people but empty their stock into your market before getting completely financed. Truly FSE Listings Inc is the leading knowledge base with over 1,000 articles on Frankfurt Listings published online, and the largest database of templates for merger law, governance, company formation, financing, and best practices for business. We can get you listed fast without you having to put up the funds by simply teaching you how to raise the funds and building the company and structure for you to do it with! Our rules are simple: We build a company for you to raise capital into and do not ask you for a percent One the funds are raised in the Company our listing fees are extracted The only cost you are responsible for is a nominal incorporation fee and preparation of documentation We supply pre-listing commitments for financing from our roadshow brokers, capital partners, and Venture Capitalists for ammunition to make it easy for you to find Bridge capital We structure the company, subscription agreements, accounts, transfer agent, and all required documentation to prepare for the public listing and give ammunition and support for you to be able to get the Bridge Capital you require All we need to start is a consulting agreement signed with the terms as described above If you want to go public, need to raise capital, and do not know where to start, then FSE Listings Inc can help you break through the barrier and slump you may be experiencing for raising capital… and give you the commitments and tools you have been looking for to succeed. No other firm in the world offers the comprehensive set of tools, structures, templates, financing, and listing capabilities as FSE Listings Inc. Contact us today for more information about taking your firm public! We can teach you how to raise the capital and get listed, we can list your firm with the fast track listing in 3-6 weeks, we can supply capital partners who can commit $1 million to $500 million in financing. You don’t need to go anywhere else! Highlights: We don’t ask for any percentages of the company We teach you how to make your business successful We find financing the builds a stable company We don’t ask for shares, no one will from our firm our partners unless they are paid for You can list and have full control of your firm without vulture’s as partners Why go to anyone else? Please call us if you are looking, references available, call the CEO’s of companies we have helped! FSE Listings Inc is run by Robert Russell, Ryan Gibson, Mark Bragg, and Brandon Gibson. FSE Listings Inc is the only firm that lists companies on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange that has a reputation for its honesty in dealings, disclosing the positives and negatives of any one deal, and finding the best financing options for your firm. Contact FSE Listings at or call +442032867779 to have us best advise you on listing your firm and going public. If you want to list your firm, please include: Company Name Contact Name Contact Number Contact Email Amount of Capital invested to date Amount of Capital required Reasons for wanting to list Description of Business Website if available

Solar Energy: Solar Energy Financing with FSE Listings Inc, Robert Russell

Solar energy companies need to raise capital and receive solar energy financing by listing on a public stock exchange such as the Frankfurt Stock Exchange with the firm FSE Listings Inc, the leader in Frankfurt Stock Exchange listing of green renewable energy companies. Solar power plants, solar renewable energy companies in general, solar manufacturers, and solar energy panel distributors have the opportunity now to become leaders in the solar field, and become electricity providers within the energy crisis. Were the solar energy costs are economical, profits are to be made by shareholders and financiers who participate in the listing of public solar companies listed by FSE Listings on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. A listing can take 3-6 weeks for the right project, contact us to see if you qualify. Contact FSE Listings at or call +442032867779 If you want to list your firm, please include: Company Name Contact Name Contact Number Contact Email Amount of Capital invested to date Amount of Capital required Reasons for wanting to list Description of Business Website if available Robert Russell: FSE Listings Specialist FSE Listings

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