BSE Listings: Berlin Stock Exchange Listings is part of the International Financial Exchange and Banking Group - UK FSA Registered Broker Dealer

GXG UK: Special pricing for Frankfurt Listed firms moving to the GXG Markets, LSE, or PLUS Markets

If you are listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and want to move to another European Exchange that is tradable for your shareholders, you should be considering the GXG Markets by going to (

The GXG OTC Markets does not require a “prospectus” therefore Open Market First Quotation listings can easily convert their listing to the new exchange. The following is what we can offer you on the GXG Markets:

– Due diligence and sponsorship of your company onto the GXG Markets, Stuttgart, and London Stock Exchange
– Access to an FSA regulated Financial Advisor for the UK Markets for equity placements through IFXBG
– Access to Trading through the International stock broker RST Capital (
– Access to a Luxembourg approved securitization company for bond and debt placements
– Access to prospectus and information memorandum writers

Our consortium has over 10 billion euro in financing available of which qualified listing clients can access.

Find-out why the GXG Markets is one of the hottest, fastest, easiest listing market for SME’s trying to go public in Europe. Get a free Pre-Valuation on the value of your company and a free due-diligence to ensure your firm can list!

Contact us today!

Why the rumor that the TSX is closing their doors on foreign companies opens the doors for UK Stock Markets like the GXG Markets

The Toronto Stock Exchange appears to becoming more and more difficult to list foreign companies from China, Asia, Africa, and developing countries. The main criteria is that the Exchange, Regulators, and Lawyers who form businesses for the Toronto stock exchange are more and more interested in “Canadian Content” or “Canadian Connections” such as Canadian mind and management, Canadian projects, and Canadian run firms in International Markets. Firms from China have reportedly had a difficult time listing on the TSX Venture and TSX main board due to the lack of Canadian connections. Much of this is related to the reporting and disclosure standards of the TSX Listings that many of the firms that have entered the Toronto Stock Exchange were not prepared for. This in combination with recent delisting of Pinksheets and OTCBBs in the US have basically removed for foreign companies any easy listing market to go into in North America, in fact globally. Toronto is not the only regulated market to take this kind of approach, as most firms experience delays in listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange for closure of their open market and the Berlin Stock Exchange which has made German firms an official preference after before touting their exchange as the place for firms from the US to list, this has now changed. In actual fact, there is only really one global stock exchange that caters to a true “world stock exchange” status left in the market call the GXG Markets, or Danish Stock Market that has passported their OTC Markets to be a UK Stock Exchange. The GXG Markets has an OTC market which is similar to how the Frankfurt, Berlin, OTCBB, and Toronto Venture Exchange have run in the past without the cost and strict compliance. For International and Foreign Companies, the number 1 market to list your firm on is the GXG Markets, the official GXG Broker IFXBG Limited ( is a registered UK broker dealer which in the last month of listing firms on the GXG Markets has made the most applications and listings of any other market maker. As a leading market maker on the GXG Markets, you should consider consulting with the International Financial Exchange and Banking Group (IFXBG). This article has been written and published by FSE Listings Inc, The Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings professionals.

Danish and UK Stock Exchange Listings

We are now a registered broker dealer on the Danish and UK markets. We can list firms in 3-6 weeks that qualify and supply financing of up to 5 million euro through the broker dealer and securitization firm. We are actively looking for clients who are seeking to go public. Costs range on the amount of capital required and structure of your firm. Contact us today! We list companies on the: Plus Markets AIM Markets GXG Markets FSE Markets Berlin Markets Stuttgart Markets Contact us today to go public with the leading European Listing firm.

Berlin Stock Exchange Listings as an Alternative to Frankfurt Listings

A Market Trained To Invest In Foreign Equities (US, Canadian, UK, Australia, South Africa, China) With growing internationalization and consolidation pressure in the European Stock Exchanges such as the OMX NASDAQ, NYSE Euronext and Deutsche Boerse, Borse Berlin has pursued a successful niche strategy since the mid-nineties, with a particular focus on trading the widest possible range of foreign stocks. The German speaking euro-economic market accepted widely this proposition which allowed them to trade foreign companies stocks whether primary or dual listed on a local exchange, with immediate trading and fast order taking, affordable trading and easy to use platforms for their local market. Thus, the Berlin Stock Exchange developed a subscription of investors who utlize their platform for investment and trades. The success is apparent by the increase in trades and the growth of the market. Therefore, as a newly listed firm on the Berlin Stock Exchange, there is an actively trading equities market looking to invest in foreign firms. The strong trading market of over 100 million population is very attractive for foreign companies looking to go public, especially from the US, Canada, China, Vietnam, Philippines, Asia in general, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Africa in general, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, South America in general, Guatemala, Honduaras, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Spain, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Italy, the EU in general, the UK, Ireland, Russia, Ukraine, and India. The Börse Berlin Stock Exchange has secondary stock listings for over 6,000 US securities normally listed on the NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, OTCBB, and pink sheet markets. In September 2007 Börse Berlin AG, operator of one of Germanys oldest stock exchanges, acquired control over London based Equiduct Systems in order to offer new state-of-the art stock exchange services to financial institutions trading in the European markets. With this acquisition, Börse Berlin became a 323 year old “start up” introducing Equiduct as a sophisticated trading platform launched on 20 March 2009.” The Berlin Stock Exchange is open to new business with relatively relaxed requirements that allow for your firm to list in 2-3 weeks. To see if you qualify for a Berlin Stock Exchange Listing, contact or call us at +19146133889 BSE Listings trades under the mark IFXBG, which is a licensed FSA Broker Dealer. As a full service Investment Bank, our legal, accounting, listing, and compliance services exceed the individual services you may be provided by a going or go public consultant or law firm. We are licensed to assist in listing, financing, and engaging in mergers and acquisitions activities within the EU. We are not aware of any other firm who can provide the full services supplied by our firm outside of Germany. As a Licensed Broker we can prepare and submit EU Directive prospectus documents within the UK for listings on the Berlin Stock Exchange, Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and UK Stock Markets. Berlin Stock Exchange Listings    

SEE IF YOU QUALIFY: Sophisticated Investors, Qualified Investors, and Accredited Investors Need To Register NOW

The capital markets are definitely unforgiving with changing regulations, changing listing requirements, and changing exemptions but the only unchanged consistency over all for small businesses raising money to go public on a stock exchange is getting “sophisticated investors” interested in your firm. Every jurisdiction may not have exactly the same name or the same criteria, but what is common is that there is an exemption for investors who qualify. These are sophisticated, accredited, qualified, and high net worth investors. Within the United Kingdom, there is one FSA regulated database called the Qualified Investor Register, which takes the self-certified documentation and stores this information for regulated and unregulated offerings to refer to as a way to “categorize” the type of investor they solicited. However the database itself is not allowed to be used for solicitation. In all of our research there has actually only been one database privately held that assists Qualified and Sophisticated Investors. The two websites based on the different terms are and We highly recommend going to one of these websites and seeing if you qualify. A private database for registering your self-certification will allow for in the future firms like Facebook, or LinkedIn, or other major IPOs to have the right and legal ability to contact you. Most people miss the high profile IPOs because they are not certified and or recognized reasonably as being “sophisticated” even though they do qualify. I suggest going and seeing if you qualify today at Again, the benefit is access to a pretty exclusive club of investor opportunities that only self-certified sophisticated, accredited, and qualified investors can access. For companies, the sophisticated investor register opens up the opportunity of being able to contact potential investors under a universal exemption. This exemption immediately can add your profile to fund managers, brokers, and IPO experts who make exclusive offerings, but cannot without certification. As part of the service, you receive a QR Code – Identification system, an official certificate to be signed and faxed back into the register, and free filing of your information with local government databases. IF YOU HAVEN’T JOINED THE SOPHISTICATED INVESTOR REGISTER THAN YOU WILL NOT KNOW WHAT MAJOR IPO YOU ARE MISSING! Qualify for major IPOS if you are a US, American, Canadian, Australian, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Chinese, Indian, EU, Latin American, Central American or UK Sophisticated Investor you need to certify today! If you are not sure, qualify and we will get the proper documentation for becoming part of the register! US Accredited and Sophisticated Investors. In the United States Securities Commission (SEC) definitions of an accredited investor the most common classification that people actually are include a natural person with an annual income of over $200,000 in each of the two most recent years or joint income with a spouse exceeding $300,000 or net worth or joint net worth exceeding $1 million USD excluding the value of primary residence. However, there are definitions for trusts, business directors of the issuer, employee plans, retirement plans, and trusts that also make up this definition. ( We do encourage small business owners, trusts with assets over $5 million, banks, insurance companies, business development companies and small business investment companies to register as well. The point of registering is to keep record of your ability to participate in offerings you would and could qualify for. This is an invaluable free service by Canadian Sophisticated – Accredited Investors. As a Canadian, the terms are pretty general across Canada for Accredited Canadian Investors. In Ontario Canada, this exemption extends to $1 million in financial assets or net worth of $5 million. One of the particular point is of course persons the OSC recognizes as an accredited investor, which again brings us back to certifications inside of a database that has collected your data as a third party to verify and file with local authorities if required or part of a subscription or offering. ( Most of the Canadian Accredited Investor jurisdictions are similar to that of Ontario with a few small differences in definitions of assets. See if you are qualified as a Canadian Investor. As a registered accredited, sophisticated, and high net worth investor, you can generally invest as much as you want to as long as you the primary and principal investor are certified. Australian Sophisticated, Professional Investor. Within the Australia Sophisticated Investor registration process, the caveats are a little stronger with a requirement of an auditor to give proof of net worth of $2.5 million or two consecutive years of $250,000 per annum. Otherwise, it is defined by the investments size of over $500,000. The most common exemption is generally the professional investor in Australia, of which again there is not a reliable database accept for through Australian Investors should register themselves, companies, and or status to see if they can take part in international IPOs through this exemption. Hong Kong Sophisticated Professional Investor. Within the Hong Kong sophisticated professional investor definitions, a high net-worth individual has one of the following, a portfolio of not less than HK$ 8millon, corporations or partnerships or trustee companies with portfolios of that size or total assets of HK$40 million, or corporations that solely act as investment holding companies, and owned by a sophisticated professional investor. As a Hong Kong professional I suggest seeing if you qualify today for the Sophisticated Investor Register. ( UK Sophisticated Investor – Qualified Investor – High Net Worth Investor. As a UK Sophisticated, High Net Worth, Qualified Investor,within the UK definitions of a sophisticated investor, the register is extremely important, especially for Unregulated Collective Investment Schemes where by the company can’t both market and sell to a sophisticated investor that they the fund certified. Having the persons go to a third party first for certification, such as the allows for the promoters of a UCIS to send their investors to register first through the “third party” and return with the certification to invest within the collective investment scheme. Therefore

Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings Prospectus

As a licensed broker dealer our partner has the team and ability to file prospectus document for the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and submit the documents to the FSA. A European Prospectus from the UK, Denmark, or Germany often will be enough to sufficiently cover a companies needs. As a new directive of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Open Market, a prospectus document is required with the ability of taking your firm up to the Entry Standard market by September 30th 2012. If you are planning to list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, you need to begin building your prospectus immediately! In addition, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange has introduced trading requirements with the recent implementation of the Xetra II requirements for trading volume and market maker requirements. Building a market for the companies listed is becoming a requirement of listing. Companies that list without a prospectus are limited by their abilities to market their company based on BAFIN regulations, which limit the use of the company symbol and various other stipulations for firms who do not have a prospectus filed. However, with the prospectus filed, there is more flexibility when co-ordinating publicity and investor relations. More and more companies are being driven towards a prospectus to mobilize their overall market making activity, not limited to press releases, publications, roadshows to retail investment markets, and incoming requests. It is only a matter of time, maybe even September, before companies will have to take two key aspects into consideration or become delisted: A prospectus so that the firm can actively market their share symbol and company to the general public without contravening securities laws in Germany and or Europe in general Maintaining an active market to enable market makers to maintain their role of actively buying and selling shares within the market, which is not possible in an illiquid market One naturally pertains to the other, as the prospectus enables the flexibility to make a market, without the ability to attract a retail market the market makers eventually can not support the bid and ask from the sale of existing shareholders and the market could, can, and will being to move towards a lower illiquid position. The reality is that a company can list before having a prospectus on the open market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, however, it is advisable to begin developing the prospectus as soon as possible to ensure shareholders and the public have the disclosures necessary to invest in the firm and to be able to stay listed after September 30th 2012. For a price quote and proposal to develop a prospectus, contact  

FSE Listings Inc – Companies with Real Assets Welcome On The Frankfurt Stock Exchange and can Value their Company HIGHER by Going Public!

FSE Listings Inc – Companies with Real Assets Welcome On The Frankfurt Stock Exchange and can Value their Company HIGHER by Going Public! One of the key aspects of new companies listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is their ability to show that they have real assets. What are real assets, some examples: Real Estate and Real Estate Projects Firms that have an operating business that wants to expand by listing on the Frankfurt Patented Technology, especially ones with prototypes Proven revenue streams, such as subscriber bases, services or products sold that are proof of concept Mining companies with near term or historical production New Energy technologies with patents and prototypes Manufacturing businesses Transportation businesses Etc. Anything where the asset has value. Most of the go public and equity capital partners you may meet don’t utilize a professional valuation team. Our firm uses the best professional valuation firms to give your firm the best chance of financing, highest value, and the least dilution so that you can maintain control and get the best value for your firm. FSE Listings have proven over and over again that our process of valuation, listing, and financing, is the best process for a firm to follow. Companies get fair valuations, management advice, and a document that can be used in the process of attracting investment to your company. Contact for more information on why listing on the Frankfurt Exchange is a good choice for your firm!

FSE Listings: How best to qualify for 5 million euro in financing with your Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings

How best to qualify for 5 million euro in financing with your Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings Many firms ask what is the best way to qualify for 5 million euro in financing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, it’s actually much easier than you think. List with a reputable firm like FSE Listings Inc, work with either Robert Russell or one of the 30 member partners who have been referred by Robert within your region Work with a third party valuation company recommended by FSE Listings who is registered with a large EU Bank or Central Bank that is certified to give opinions on valuations, not just an accountant or arbitrary legal opinion by some small Frankurt listings law oriented firm or small US or German law firms – BANK BACKED OPINIONS GET YOU MONEY AND CREDIBILITY! Prepare all of the documentation so that all documents, contracts, investments, and transactions can be reviewed at a later date for building a prospectus These three principles will allow you to qualify for Bond financing for up to 5 million euro or private placement offerings of 5 million euro and possibly more. Bond Creation for 5 million euro via your Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings Before listing, your firm can know if it qualifies for the financing by contacting FSE Listings Inc and filling in all the required documents of a new client for listing and creation of bonds.  By emailing and simply informing them you are interested in the financing, they will over a 5 day period confirm your corporate structure, plan, goals, cashflow, and business model with an insurance firm and third party valuation company. If qualified, a firm can list with the confidence of getting financed! Private Placements and Investor Awareness of 5 million euro for your Frankfurt Listing With the third party valuation, the proper structure, and guidance of a registered broker dealer, a firm will have all the information necessary to produce a prospectus. With investor relations, media, and broker support, firms can offer shares which enable financing after listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. It is very important that you work with a team specializing in sophisticated investors interested in your target market.  Financing your firm will be within your control as either direct or broker based financing is enabled through the web, roadshows, media, public relations, and full use of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange website’s tools. Don’t let the consultants dilute your firm, talk to us first! Firstly we don’t take a percentage of your firm. If you are working with a consultant that wants to take a percentage of your firm, talk to us first. They limit your growth because most financers and investors when reviewing your structure will likely not want to invest knowing the promoters have managed to leech shares from your structure without the proper hold-up or restrictions in place for your business plan to materialize. In addition, they will likely advise you that they can get a 50-100 million euro market cap for your firm… but you may be worth more. In addition, they hide the value of the shares because their listing fees are minimal, but they make millions off your naïve experience. Why let their bad advice block the potential market cap that your firm deserves based on third party valuations from other EU Banks or parties certified by a Bank, and a team who works for you as a paid for service consultant versus an unwanted partner? Most going public firms will cap your market capitalization at 100 million issued and outstanding shares, but these firms usually don’t take careful consideration of what the real value of your firm is, often undervaluing your assets making it more difficult for you to issue shares later. Go with the leaders in structure – FSE Listings Inc and our Valuation Team registered by an EU Bank! To start your Frankfurt Listings and see if you qualify for the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and Bonds, you should Top Frankfurt Listings specialists working for you! FSE Listings: Top Frankfurt Listings Specialists

FSE Listings: Why list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange with FSE Listings and Issue Bonds versus working with Equity Placement firms, Equity Lines or Equity Capital Partners

FSE Listings: Why list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange with FSE Listings and Issue Bonds versus working with Equity Placement firms, Equity Lines or Equity Capital Partners Initially one needs to understand the cost to a company of taking shareholder equity. By committing to Equity Placement firms and or Equity Line holders shares of the firm, you are giving them a direct claim to your firms profits proportionate to their investment and holding of your firm. Therefore, you as a company need to consider: The Real Cost Of Money – The cost of issuing shares is higher in the long-term than that of developing a debt instrument such as a bond. For example, the limitation of a Bond with a 10% yield, a shareholder is limitless based on a portion ownership of your firms growth. A Bond may be over 5 years, and the capital invested increases your capacity by 50%, so the funds in place are justifiable for the coupon payment of 10%. After 5 years, your firm earns all the profits of the decision made. With shares and shareholders, as long as there are shareholders, they have a right to the profits of the company ongoing. Often companies underestimate the real costs to gain the shareholders, which are in short the immediate and ongoing cost of legal, accounting, financial advisory, governance and corporate professionals such as brokers, bankers, and sponsors. In the current markets, these costs can absorb up to 50% of funds raised in an IPO, and sometimes they are costs that exceed the capital raised directly related to their services. Often, after the exercise of writing a prospectus and preparing your firm to raise capital, the capital raising in the private equity market depends on your ability to help raise money and pay attention to the shareholders and potential investors to gain the investment. The time consuming exercise deteriorates even some of the strongest businesses as the focus is on capital and not the company management and profitability during that timeframe. This is a high cost. Loss of Control – The Company loses control to make decisions as it is required to consult with the shareholders of the Company. This is a difficult choice for entrepreneurs, and it is even more difficult when trying to set the today value of the dreams, aspirations, and blue sky of a firm to an investor. Often private equity involves losing more control than debt of the operations and decision making of a company. Downward Pressure on the firm’s value – Go public and merger law related firms, or firms who offer equity lines of credit, convertible debentures, and private placement services at a discount of your share price create pressure on your stock and companies value. Especially the Bridge Loan programs for listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, whereby they take their 5% of the shares and sell them into the market or at a discount to shareholders who liquidate based on emotion as they have no relationship with your firm and its success. Equity line firms strive on being issued shares for no upfront cash over a 15 day period or more so that they can sell shares into your market pushing down the stock value and bid so they can make more profit, of up to 50-90% in some cases. These PIPEs, Debt Financing, and special purpose private equity placements are toxic to companies who want to raise additional capital as their company value is driven down to pennies and control is ultimately diluted both in voting power and in their ability to raise and attract interest of capital. Beware of the equity partners and capital firms who offer Equity Lines, Private Placement, Bridge Capital, and Financing options prelisting of your firm. The most illiquid moment of a company is prelisting, and therefore, the owner of such a document actually has control of your firm before giving you a dime. The ability to apply pressure to anyone’s share price in our opinion is the ability to control someones firm. Bridge Loan (Sharks) and joker brokers who assist firms who do not have the 60k euro to list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange prey on unsuspecting firms for their 5%+ of your deal and reputation to take advantage of your firm once it is listed. Don’t fall into the penny stock pump and dump scenario by avoiding these kinds of partners from the beginning. In addition, these firms may disguise their tactics by promising stock promotions of which you will be able to liquidate your shares and or your shareholders will be able to liquidate their shares into a vibrant market. We receive 5-10 phone calls per week from these types of stock promoter and bridge capital firms who are trying to sell their shares privately and exit the company. Their interest is not in your firm or your share price, its exiting their position. Be vigilant about who you choose as your partners, and before you choose anyone, get the advice of FSE Listings Inc as to their professional reputation by contacting Effects on the Balance Sheet and Financials Dividends are paid from after-tax earnings, bond payments and interest payments are tax deductible. This affects the relative costs to the company of financing by issuing interest-based securities and financing through ordinary shares. Everyone always thinks about listing a firm and raising private equity capital, however, public company shares are just the ability to offer shares and liquidate shares in a public arena. Thus, it gives a cash flow value to the shares of the company. Unlike private company shares that generally have no cash flow value. By listing your firm on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, your shares have cash value to insurance firms and debtors, who will develop a corporate securitized bond collateralized by the cash flow and assets of the company. The Benefits of the Bond and Frankfurt Listing: No loss of control Interest and Coupon Payments that are tax deductible, not from after tax earnings Limiting the claim to the companies prosperity

FSE Listings Inc launches new ShareVision Report for clients to be able to identify shareholder

FSE Listings Inc launches new ShareVision Report for clients to be able to identify shareholder remuneration and gain interest from FSE’s $100 billion fund network and Roadshows! This new service is applicable to Banks, Fortune 500 companies all the way to the common small business with cash flow. FSE Listings Inc’s with a private growth professional consortium assist in the valuation and key services to FSE clients which want to gain exposure to a USD 100 Billion funding network in order to raise the profile of the companies. Our consortium consultants have advised clients valued at over $120 billion, providing key services as well as working closely with select high-net worth private clients. FSE Listings Inc does not just list firms onto the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, our Private Growth consortium provides valuable insight and research into the industries and companies we work with to give share value and share vision for shared results to the members of your firm. In today’s economy, a financial audit is a 1 dimensional perspective of a firms potential performance. When we audit a firms performance, the value is in the Brand, the Business Growth and stages of development, the Directors and Management creativity or leadership, staff moral and motivation or productivity, the competition, and the bottomline. What can the ShareVision analysis do for your firm, ask CEO’s that have worked with our partners: “Your circle is invaluable and should be compulsory for all executives of companies who genuinely want to take their business to the next level” “We (major public company) found ShareVision very helpful and would like to use your services going forward” CEO (multi-national firm) “Your services are very professional.” The ShareVision process is the most complete analysis available on the market of the internal share value of a company, and the most reliable report one can achieve for valuation of a firm and projections for finding funding and building the business. Sharevision works for existing public companies, the top 500 biggest firms in your Country to any public company in general. The reality is, we have taken over 30 years of valuations services to large corporations, utilized by Blue Chip firms for billions of dollars in financing and enabled a low cost entry level for new and current Frankfurt Listings to take advantage of. Our Private Growth partners have worked with Banks, Marinas, Hotels, Energy Companies, Construction firms, National Companies, Public Companies, and private firms. Our report is unlike any other service, it doesn’t compete with current consultants within the Go Public market, it compliments their services and recommends how to best take advantage by a 360 degree review of the firm. The scope is to independently and confidentially assess the  shareholder wealth created by existing corporate advisors, management, and other value contributors into a bankable report. By recognizing how shareholder value directly affects renumeration, a strategy and direction can be put in place to guarantee insurable returns on investment and encourage a network of over $100 billion in funds to look at your business. What if your firm doesn’t qualify, the point of the report is to fine tune the business so it can qualify for financing or point out the strength’s where the firm does qualify and can take advantage of growth. Corporate advisors need to maintain their independence and objectivity, they are not capable of preparing the true ShareVision report of which a firm such as our consortium is capable of. Our objective second opinion is also a report that can be revised to encourage the public and your shareholders. In summary, our experts will assist with: Valuing your company (true worth, not distorted by various market perceptions) Increasing your company’s share value and share price Increasing sustainable earnings Increasing brand value Providing greater performance flexibility for directors and management Increasing staff moral, motivation, and productivity Prioritizing projects, acquisitions, strategies by greatest increase in sustainable earnings and share price Justifying benefits of additional or reduced loans, by assessing the optimal loan amount to leverage company performance and valuations (without destroying earnings sustainability, pricing competitiveness and company value. This may be leveraging the FSE Listings Bond services and other sources. Attracting private equity funds by offering potential investors an independent assessment of company value and future earnings and share price performance FSE Listings Inc is a full service global consulting firm specializing in listing companies, analyzing companies, public relations, mergers and acquisitions, financing, and growth of public and private firms. If you are interested in a ShareVision process and promotion to our fund network of $100 billion, contact us today and we will begin the orientation for free. Many firms will pay in access of 50,000 euro’s to gain exposure on the private growth network of over $100 billion in funds, however, we can gain access for firms who work through FSE Listings Inc for much less than half what the fortune 500 firms are charged because you are valued client of the FSE Listings. Contact us today so we can assess if your firm qualifies for access to the Private Growth network and FSE Listings Consortium. For listing clients, we have now been able to package the world’s most complete list of services offered to companies looking to list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, raise capital, and increase share value: Creation of the holding company ShareVision Report Creation of Corporate Bonds Insurance of Corporate Bonds Listing the Holding Company on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in 3-6 weeks Investor Relations and Press on major market websites in German and English Financing within 60-90 days of listing for qualified firms Contact, the leaders in listing firms and consulting for maximum share value of your firm! We guarantee our results!

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